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92 | Design apprentice | AWA Petrol

92 - 95


Every boy wants to be a rockstar and an astronaut. Not necessarily in this order. Then there comes something even cooler. The First ever job. This was my case also. Always wanted to know more about design. Here was the chance. Fuelled by determination. Determined to assimilate as much knowledge and experience as possible, since my suitcase was full of dreams and this was a conscious step to leap forward. It all started as a summer job during high school. Since I had much free time I went for it. Glad I did. The rest is history. These were the very first unofficial steps besides having design blood in my veins. This goes deep in the family.

Yet with designer and architect parents, it wasn't all that easy. But it was worth it. There was this young man with all the life ahead. In full width. Little did he know what was there awaiting to him.

Hint - singing in rock bands was not as cool as what was about to follow - the feeling was more like to the moon and back - and I guess we can thick the astronaut stuff as well. :)


  • design duties

  • interpreter jobs

  • starting developing new 'andonis' signature font

  • logo, fonts and poster designs for restaurants, petrol stations and other small shop entrepeneurs

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